Writer’s Ego Massaged

Writer's Ego Massaged

I am an avid reader of Cussler and Child but found this book so refreshingly different and fast paced that I couldn’t put it down having to find out the outcome as the twists and sub plots were so well thought out and surprising. The characters were all believable and I think the dialogue was probably the most natural I have come across in any novel.

Mar 192018
Settled Will? Anybody Seen One?

With all the fog, you have to ask a question, what is the truth? What’s in our best interests? Then with mounting concern, do any of these people know? Finally, with sadness, how many in the Bubble actually, care?

Mar 192018
Settled Will, Ain't That the Truth …

Don’t you love the way politicians from both major parties talk about “The settled will of the British people”? If our will was settled Jacob Rees Mogg wouldn’t attack Hilary Benn. And the Brexit Select Committee would stand undivided. Thus, reading the news makes it clear that there is no settled will. Inside and outside the bubble the factions are still at war.

Mar 152018
The Meek Shall Inherit the Dearth (video)

“The meek shall inherit the dearth.” Our leaders implemented ”Austerity”. In fact, they promised the misery would cure our crash-related problems. As it turns out, they got it wrong, missed their deadline and hammered the meek.

Eilidh Investigates, Danger Looms (video)

Eilidh Investigates, Danger Looms (video)

Angels‘ Share thrillers confront the corrupt people and cadres who screw us, avoid tax and steal our money.

Oct 052017
Does the Magic Money Tree Need Pruning?

Magic Money Tree? My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income. – Errol Flynn. Poor old Errol can’t have had a Magic Money Tree. Why should we worry about runaway costs in our Government spending? The Magic Money Tree copes, doesn’t it? Ask the DUP. Billions of loss and wastage, never […]

Meet the Author

Meet the Author

buried bodies and so on Mac Logan’s experience

Dec 252016
Rage, Anger, Untruths, War … or  Human Kindness … Christmas spirit

It’s easy to slip into a negative feeling about political mischief, corruption and so on. I’d be very surprised if most of the vilified people don’t have a kind and generous side, and people who have little but good things to say about them.

Nov 132016
Politics Goes West — Quite Literally if we're not Careful

How can we help each other tap into the well of human kindness and respect? Could that change the world?