Writer’s Ego Massaged

SOMETIMES THE UNEXPECTED makes you happy and a massaged ego is great. This review came in, unexpected, and with permission, I share it.
Miserable day reading
Sunday here was a miserable day so settled down in the afternoon with Angels Cut, although looking forward to reading it I was delayed for several reasons including a family bereavement.
After the first few pages I was totally hooked from the Troubles to the modern day corruption. I recommenced reading yesterday accompanied by a very large very old Macallan (don’t know how Sam could prefer Talisker) and finished the book about one a.m. this morning.
Refreshingly different
I am an avid reader of Cussler and Child but found this book so refreshingly different and fast paced that I couldn’t put it down having to find out the outcome as the twists and sub plots were so well thought out and surprising. The characters were all believable and I think the dialogue was probably the most natural I have come across in any novel. The short chapters certainly added to the fast pace and didn’t allow you to forget any of the many characters.
Exciting writing
I believe that your description of the journey from Carlisle north, both the country side and the graphic chase and action is one of the best pieces of exciting writing I have read also am now a great fan of Tonka.
I found Sam’s retirement ‘calling’ strange though, as his life as an under cover operative and killer to a Minister of the Kirk yet able to return to his previous existance with no hang ups. Certainly different but at the same time interesting.
You have a great gift Mac, the ability and opportunity to ‘kick ass’ under the umbrella of fiction and entertain your reader at the same time. I would never have found Sam without knowing Bill and am grateful.
Bring it on
My only disappointment in the book is that it finished too soon.
I have now ordered Dark Art and looking forward to joining up with Sam and Eilidh again with expectation.
May 2019 – GR, UK