Mar 232018
Clear and Factual Danger

Naturally enough, a choice of spin over fact is at best annoying and at worst criminal (remember Iraq). Yet our government hires spin doctors. Did the PM tell porkies?

Oct 082017
How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven - Politicians Guide (video)

Kingdom of heaven? yes, please … Who wouldn’t want a free pass to the kingdom of heaven? Who can deny times are tough for UK politicians (maybe the USA and elsewhere too)? Locked in their bubble, will they do more-or-less anything for power? When they run out of ideas, who can they turn to? Where […]

Sep 122016
Will Trouble Make the Bubble … Squeak?

Imagine, shocked politicians and parties discover there are people they must pay attention to outside their Bubble.

Jun 072016
Should We Stay or Should We Go? “BrEXIT” or “BreMAIN” New Info (to me)

… should we, as a country, decide to Bremain (if we can) then this (assuming accuracy) may help our thinking.

Jun 062016
Drilling Rigs to Exploit Major Find in Firth of Forth

Scottish Government is almost incoherent with delight at a recent discovery

Feb 252016
Can We Make U-Turn on the Road to Perdition?

We moan, grumble, rant, rage and then do nothing. Why? Are we powerless?

Jul 302015
Standards of Incompetence

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Benjamin Disraeli Says Who? I thought M J Maroney said: there’s lies, damned lies, and statistics. But did he? When I checked the source out it was attributed to: Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli and one Leonard H Courtney. I opted for Disraeli, after all, he was a politician and must have known […]