Jan 082017

Seven Social Evils

ignore seven social evils

using skill and judgement list which of the seven social evils created pain for these two

According to Canon Donaldson, preaching at Westminster Abbey, March 20 1925, there are 7 Social Evils:

  1. Politics without principle
  2. Wealth without work
  3. Pleasure without conscience
  4. Knowledge without character
  5. Commerce and Industry without morality
  6. Science without humanity
  7. Worship without sacrifice

Challenging list for me, never mind politicians. Then, blow me, a politician makes …

Expert sense

I think the right response in a democracy, to assertions made by experts, is to say ‘show us the evidence, show us the facts.’ And then, if experts or indeed anyone in the debate can make a strong case, draw on evidence and let us think again – then of course they deserve respect. Michael Gove

no place in politics.jpgA great quote from a clever person. Sound bites being what they are, perhaps some of his other assertions are rather less expert.
His signpost is clear. Can he (does he intend to?) establish a key principle in politics. If Mr Gove can do that, I’d say his legacy is bright as can be. I’d only change the word ‘experts’ word to ‘politicians’ and now read:

I think the right response in a democracy, to assertions made by politicians, is to say ‘show us the evidence, show us the facts’. And then, if politicians or indeed anyone in the debate can make a strong case, draw on evidence and let us think again.

Simple truth

Thanks to Mr Gove for expressing a simple truth – tell it as it is. All politicians seek to persuade us of their expertise above all others. Surely there’s no hypocrisy involved.
Mrs May, BoJo, LiFo, colleagues, are you paying attention?

© Mac Logan

  One Response to “He speaks expert sense … has he studied the seven social evils?”

  1. Very interesting topic, thank you for posting.Money from blog

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