Blog Links

Blog Links

Mac’s Blog Links – click a button The blog links share context for the Angels’ Share series. They focus on the questionable activities of powerful people and groups. Use a button and tune in. There are more blog links throughout Jyngs! … from sad to humorous … from ageing to family and childhood … enjoy. […]

Jan 312018
Who Harvests the Magic Money Tree?

We’re broke, the system’s broke and our leaders have no understanding or competence in fixing things.

Oct 032017
Crime Writer Mac Logan Reads in Edinburgh (video)

I arrive at the Canons’ Gait and it’s downstairs to the cellar bar. Of course, it’s suitably claustrophobic for crime writers reading about dark crime and blood-curdling murder.

Aug 042017
Semi-colonic anguish hurts

Semi-colonic anguish? Semi-colonic anguish sounds awful, like a disease … how apt. Does it affect authors? Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. All they do is show you’ve been to college.” Kurt Vonnegut Jr A while back, with much excitement, I discovered the semicolon unaware of the adventure […]

Meet the Author

Meet the Author

buried bodies and so on Mac Logan’s experience

Jun 042016
How many have died for the Creed of Greed?

Self-seeking corruption is the ethos of a malodorous cadre of the non-productive, their blind eyes averted from the anguish they promote.

Angels’ Share series (video)

Angels' Share series (video)

Sam Duncan must stay alive, confront the criminals who want him dead and do it before they murder his little sister… now kidnapped and somehow ‘mislaid’

Devil’s Due – the Price

Devil's Due - the Price

Devil’s Due preview This is for people who’d like to have a pre-editor (sorry Ms Whiplash) taste of the third book in The Angels’ Share series, the Devil’s Due. 1 SAM CROSSED THE lounge and picked up. ‘Duncan.’ He listened and the slight smile on his face straightened. He stared at the wall. ‘On my […]

A drop of the hard stuff (video)

A drop of the hard stuff (video)

The Angels’ Share series Whisky? corruption, murder, mystery and people you’ll care about